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Where Does The Money Go?

Here is some Budget and Saving Inspiration for my friends who like money. Here is a quote in the pic below from Benjamin Franklin that really captures where most people fail at saving money. It's rarely big spending that get people in a bad financial situation it's usually the little things. Nobody ever looks at their bank statement and says oh I shouldn't have bought that new Porsche 911 last week. It is almost always the little things that add up the small splurges and indulgences, that extra night eating out or the new shirt you bought when your closet is already crammed full. Sound familiar? That type of spending is where most peoples are draining their budgets. The little leaks per se and they add up.

Have a happy, healthy and prosperous day.

#money management, #keeping a budget, #financially smart living, #Benjamin Franklin quote, #moneymakingmom, #frugal, #saving money #spending wisely



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